Copyright & AMVs: Are AMVs Fair Use? (2024)

Hey everyone. I don't post on here very often but I've been making AMVs for about six years and have a good number posted on here. I'm starting law school this fall and hope to practice in the area of technology and copyright law. I've been fascinated by copyright law issues for a while and for a long time I've wondered why no one on the net (as far as I can find) has thought to post a detailed analysis of whether AMVs could be considered fair use under US copyright law. With the whole Wind-up Records incident a few years ago and the Warner Music embargo on You*Tube that blocked several of my AMVs until I got them restored by disputing it with a fair use counterclaim, I thought I'd write a post on why I think AMVs can be defended as fair use if we ever run into copyright trouble with them.

You can read the whole post on my blog here. I've also posted the most important parts below. Let me know your thoughts, and maybe these arguments can come in handy in any future incidents like the Wind-Up records fiasco:

Are Anime Music Videos Fair Use?
As audio/visual works, there are two separate components of AMVs that raise potential copyright concerns and must be analyzed separately to determine if they constitute fair use--namely the video and audio tracks.

Video Track

AMVs typically take ripped footage from anime movies, TV shows, and video games and re-edit them using brief clips no more than a couple seconds in length each set to music, telling a new story by juxtaposing video clips with the beat and lyrics of the song that emphasize different aspects of the original plot. Because this heavy re-editing is so obviously transformative, there is a very strong case to be made that the video portion of AMVs constitutes fair use. Running down the four criteria for fair use in US copyright law, we get the following:

1. The Purpose and Character of the Use

a. Non-commercial -- Non-commercial works are much more likely to be fair use than commercial works for profit. Anime music videos are purely non-commercial works created for fun and entertainment and not personal or financial gain.

b. Transformative -- The more a work changes and adds to the original rather than merely copying it verbatim, the more likely the use is fair. The standard for determining whether something is "transformative" rather than merely "derivative" is whether it "merely supersedes the objects of the original creation or whether and to what extent it is ‘transformative,’ altering the original with new expression, meaning, or message." (Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music). At least in regards to the video track, AMVs so heavily modify the original source footage by clipping, reordering, and overlaying special effects as to make it an entirely new creation. While the use is certainly "derivative," re-editing plus the new meaning imparted by the particular scenes selected and the music makes AMVs highly transformative, weighing significantly in favor of them being fair use.

2. Nature of the Copyrighted Work

Under copyright law, published materials are more likely to allow fair use than non-published works, and factual works are more likely than artistic works. In this case, the original copyrighted material (anime footage) is published (counting in favor of fair use) artistic work (counting against fair use). However, this factor is the least significant of the four, and can be outweighed by the other three.

3. The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole

Generally, the less of a copyrighted work that is used in relation to the whole the more likely it is to be fair use. In the case of AMVs, only 3-5 minutes of footage are typically used, consisting of 1 or 2 second clips, often out of hours of available source footage. While these clips may often contain the "heart" of the original work (the most significant scenes of the original anime), the minuscule amount of footage used combined with the brief duration of clips weigh significantly in favor of fair use.

4. The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work

This is often the most important prong of the fair use test, and together with the first prong is the one most strongly in favor of AMVs as fair use. In the case of non-commercial works, the burden of proof is on the copyright owner to prove harm to the market or value of the work (Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios). In the case of AMVs, the small amount of footage used, the reordering of brief clips, and the absence of the original audio track makes it almost impossible for an AMV to be a substitute for the original work (i.e. nobody would watch the AMV instead of the original work). There is also no market for licensing anime clips for use in amateur music videos. Thus AMVs would be highly unlikely to have a negative impact on the market for the original work. In fact, they are more likely to have a positive impact on sales of the original, as they would increase interest in the original work and drive increased sales, effectively acting as a free promotion for the source anime. This factor also weighs heavily in favor of fair use.


Because the video track of AMVs is non-commercial, highly transformative, uses only a small portion of the original, and has no negative impact on the market for the original, there is a very strong case that the video portion of AMVs constitutes fair use.

Two notes, however. First, in cases where an AMV creator had to break the copy protection on a DVD to obtain the source footage, that would be illegal as they violated the anti-circumvention provision of the DMCA, which prohibits any circumvention of copy protection regardless of whether or not the use is fair. Second, because AMV creators are usually their most avid fans and they wish to avoid upsetting them, anime creators are highly unlikely to ever mount legal challenges against AMVs. Thus the video portion of an AMV will likely never be the subject of copyright action. The most likely threat comes from the owners of the copyright for the audio track, to which I now turn.

Audio Track

Since AMVs typically use popular songs by high profile artists signed under major record labels (an overall much more litigation-happy bunch than anime creators), it is because of the audio track that AMV creators are most likely to experience copyright problems. Wind-up Records (the label for Evanesence, Seether, and Creed) has already issued take down notices barring AMVs using their songs from, and as I mentioned in my last post, I myself have run up against Warner Music's YouTube embargo with my own AMVs. Unfortunately, the audio portion of AMVs also has the weakest case for fair use, though I believe a good case can still be made that they are indeed fair use.

1. The Purpose and Character of the Use

a. Non-commercial -- Once again, AMVs are completely non-commercial works which makes them much more likely to be fair use. While they are often posted on commercial sites such as YouTube, that has no bearing on whether AMVS themselves are fair use or not. Because of this I find it highly ironic that YouTube has attempted to work out licensing agreements with music labels to allow users to use their music in user-generated videos. Under the DMCA safe harbor provision, the responsibility to ensure content is non-infringing is entirely that of the user that uploaded the videos, not YouTube. Thus whether or not sites like YouTube have a licensing agreement with labels such as Warner has no bearing on whether the videos are infringing or not.

b. Transformative -- It is much less clear that AMVs are transformative in relation to the music source than the video source. Since they usually use a whole song without editing or altering it, they clearly don't transform the song in the sense that they make it into something different as with the video track. However, I think there is still a case to be made that AMVs are transformative in relation to the song used in "altering the original with new expression, meaning, or message." Overlaying the song with poignant video images which are often used to translate the lyrics literally on screen or otherwise highlight certain things about the song clearly adds a new layer of meaning and expression to the song. The video and music are combined to create an entirely new message which is much greater than the sum of its parts. The music reflects on the video and the video reflects on the music, imparting new significance to both. It is thus a qualitative transformation rather than a quantitative one. The viewing experience of watching an AMV is qualitatively different than either watching the anime by itself or listening to the song by itself, and thus AMVs could still be considered transformative and likely fair use.

2. Nature of the Copyrighted Work

As with the video, the source songs in AMVs are published artistic works. The fact that they're published (assuming you don't use a pre-release leak or something) is slightly in favor of fair use, while the fact that they're artistic rather than factual works is slightly against fair use. Overall, this prong isn't very significant either way.

3. The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole

This prong is slightly problematic, since an entire copyrighted song is used. This would tend to weigh against fair use. However, some cases where an entire work was copied have nevertheless been held to be fair use, "if the secondary user only copies as much as is necessary for his or her intended use." In this case it could be argued that the entire song is needed, since the whole point of an AMV is for the song to shape the video and for the video to illustrate the song. Using any less than the entire song would make for an incomplete video and would reduce the power of the video. If the audio in the video is encoded at a significantly lower quality than CD quality audio, you could also argue this point qualitatively, since the song in the video is too low quality to substitute for the original. Nevertheless, this argument is still fairly weak and it would be a better strategy to argue this prong is outweighed by the other prongs.

4. The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work

This is where the strongest case for usage of the song being fair use can be made. Once again, in non-commercial cases, the burden of proof is on the copyright holder to demonstrate a negative effect on the market for the original work. There are two possible ways they could show this—the effect on sales of the original song and the impact on a possible market for licensing the song for audiovisual synchronization:

a. Effect on the market for the original song: Copyright holders could argue that AMVs could serve as a substitute for buying the original song if people merely listen to the song on YouTube or rip the audio track from the video and save it to their computer instead of buying the song. While both of these things are certainly possible, it would be difficult for the copyright holder to prove an actual negative impact on sales. Those who are content to merely listen to the song on YouTube would not have been likely to buy the song anyway, while relatively few people possess the technical knowledge to rip the audio from a video and use that in place of buying the song. Those that do would most likely consider the audio rip of inferior quality to purchasing the song (or merely illegally downloading it a different way), and would thus not likely consider it worth the trouble. Both of these factors also most likely would be outweighed by the positive effect the video would have on the market for the original song by giving the artist additional exposure and free promotion, motivating people who otherwise might not have heard the song to buy the artist’s work.

b. Effect on a possible licensing market: In large-scale commercial scenarios, there is an established market for audio visual synchronization rights, where musical artists sell the rights to filmmakers to “synchronize” their music with video footage such as in films or television commercials. However, there is at present no market for licensing tracks to individual hobbyists wanting to create amateur non-commercial music videos for fun. Indeed, if such an individual tried to license a song for an AMV, they would most likely find themselves lost in a maze of legal red tape or simply ignored by music labels who wouldn’t take their request seriously. Even if they did, the labels would most likely insist on charging commercial-scale license fees on the level of several thousand dollars per use—an overwhelmingly cost prohibitive sum for amateur non-commercial use. Because a legitimate market for licensing songs for uses such as AMVs does not currently exist, there is therefore no potential for this use to have a negative effect on such a market. You cannot negatively impact that which does not exist.


While the case for the use of copyrighted music in the audio track of an AMV is not as clearly fair use as the use of anime footage in the video track, I think a strong case for fair use can be made here as well. The best strategy in this area would be to emphasis the non-commercial transformative nature of the use and the absence of any negative impact on the market for the original song. Indeed, AMVs often have a positive effect on song sales, since many people discover bands through watching AMVs they would not otherwise have heard of and in turn go and buy their music. Music videos can serve as valuable promotion for musical artists—something artists themselves recognize when they create their own music videos to promote their music. The transformative nature of AMVs plus their non-commercial character and absence of harm are thus strong indicators that they constitute fair use.

~Patrick M.

Copyright & AMVs: Are AMVs Fair Use? (2024)


Copyright & AMVs: Are AMVs Fair Use? ›

Generally, the less of a copyrighted work that is used in relation to the whole the more likely it is to be fair use. In the case of AMVs, only 3-5 minutes of footage are typically used, consisting of 1 or 2 second clips, often out of hours of available source footage.

Is AMVs copyright infringement? ›

AMVs almost certainly violate the copyrights of the songs being used, however. The ability to synchronize a song to certain visuals is a specific right that usually must be obtained from the owner of the recording -- usually the record label. Moreover, the entire song is usually used with no modification.

Will I get copyrighted for AMV edits? ›

No, because you don't own the rights to the song you choose for the AMV nor the anime you use. It's kind of upsetting because AMVs are edited clips from anime which require some skills and effort to make, but if you don't own the copyright fully, then no.

Is it illegal to make AMV? ›

It's only illegal to distribute an AMV (when you don't have the rights to the footage and music). Making it, showing it to your family/friends (no, an online community does not fall under the description of "friends"), and talking about them are not illegal. So, feel free to list it, just don't offer a download option.

Can you monetize AMV? ›

You can profit from an AMV. Just get the written ok from whoever owns the rights of the anime in Japan as well as the artist of the song you are using. Good luck with that. Also because you'll most likely post it on YouTube, Google will want a cut of whatever money you make from the ads.

Is anime copyright protected? ›

The anime is protected under artistic work and creative work of copyright law. In the case of anime, the commercial intermediary would be publishing houses and production houses that adapt the work of the original author and reproduce it to their desired form with the authentication of the original author.

What category is AMV? ›

AMV stands for Anime Music Video, a type of video edited by fans which mixes anime footage with popular music.

Does fair use apply to anime? ›

Fair use requires most of the work to be your own. Posting an entire manga or anime episode may be a copyright violation. It is best to attribute images to the copyright holders.

Are animated music videos fair use? ›

While in some cases, this is acceptable under “Fair Use” law, animatics and animations don't fit under this, because they use SO much of the copyrighted content, and technically don't make anything that is “transformative in nature” in regards to the copyrighted material.

How do you make an AMV on YouTube? ›


Can I monetize anime clips on YouTube? ›

Can you monetize anime on YouTube? Yes, and you would have to be providing a lot of insight while talking. You can't just upload excerpts or compilations and get monetized.

Can I upload anime clips on YouTube? ›

You can post anime clip on YouTube without getting a copyright strike by either creating them yourself or getting permission from the people who did.

Do animated videos get monetized on YouTube? ›

No. To successfully monetize, the content of your video must be a minimum 70% originally created by you from scratch.

What is AMV content? ›

An anime music video (AMV) is a fan-made music video consisting of clips from one or more Japanese animated shows or movies set to an audio track, often songs or promotional trailer audio.

How do I stop visual copyright on YouTube? ›

Finally, here are a few other tips to make sure you don't get copyrighted:
  1. Only use content you've created yourself. By far the safest way to avoid copyright infringement and strikes is to only use your own content on YouTube. ...
  2. Stick within the 'fair use' policy.
Apr 26, 2022

Can I sell anime drawings? ›

The answer is, if you are creating fan art whether for profit or not, any copyrighted character or use of trademark in a description or title without prior written consent from the copyright owner, then selling fan art is illegal but making fan art is not illegal.

Is my hero academia copyrighted? ›

Almost every image on this wiki is copyrighted and used under fair use. The majority of image copyrights are held by Kohei Horikoshi, Shueisha or Studio Bones.

Is it legal to draw copyrighted characters? ›

Any commercial use of a copyrighted cartoon character without permission of the copyright holder is a violation of law. This includes the sale of any drawings or art works, either by themselves or in some other form such as on a T-shirt, team logo, advertisem*nt, billboard, or promotional design.

How do you upload a cartoon video on YouTube without copyright? ›

, I have a YouTube channel.
To upload a cartoon without receiving a copyright claim:
  1. Create the cartoon yourself, so that you are the copyright owner; or.
  2. Get permission from the copyright owner, if the cartoon is still under copyright protection; or.
  3. Use a cartoon that is in the public domain.

Why are AMV so popular? ›

The Diverse Variety of Stories. The wide range of genres in anime is the first reason why it is so popular. Every person enjoys a different story, genre, and style in anime! Romance, comedy, action/adventure, mystery/suspense, and horror are just a few of the many genres explored by anime plots.

Where can I get anime clips for editing? ›

Part 1 Top 4 Websites to Get Anime Footage for Free
  • 01 Anime-Raws. Because of technical reason, You need to register before you download raw anime from here now. ...
  • 02 Comp Squad is the second-best website that you can use to download anime clips. ...
  • 03 Gogoanime.VC. ...
  • 04
May 6, 2022

How do I get copyright permission for anime? ›

  1. Find the name of the copyright owner. For a cartoon character, the syndicate or the publishing company likely holds the copyright for the artist. ...
  2. Look up the copyright owner's address or email address. ...
  3. Write a letter or email requesting permission to use the cartoon. ...
  4. Wait for a response to your request.

Can I post anime clips on Facebook? ›

This is not a drill, Facebook is taking really strict action against piracy. Repeat offenders, who continuously upload illegal anime episodes will be banned from using Facebook.

Are Fandubs fair use? ›

The long and the short of it is; anytime you use copyrighted material in ANY way, and you don't have a legal way to do it (either written permission, it falls under "fair use", or something else), it's copyright infringement, and whether you earn money or not doesn't change that fact.

Can you copyright animation? ›

Registration of a copyright on artwork (known to the Copyright Office as "Visual Art") is pretty simple. No lawyers are required. You can register your cartoon by submitting application Form VA to the U.S. Copyright Office, along with a $45 fee (2019 figure) and the appropriate deposit materials.

Can you copyright an animation style? ›

Copyright law protects finished works of art. It does not protect things like facts, ideas, procedures, or an artist's style, no matter how distinct.

Are cartoon voices copyrighted? ›

While Cartoon Characters are not specifically identified as protectable under Copyright law, the Courts protect these characters as a part of the larger work and not as independent creations. Historically, they were regarded as 'components in a copyrighted works' and eligible for protection as a component.

How do I make an AMV free? ›

You can use Windows Movie Maker to make an AMV on Windows computer. If you are using a Mac, the video editor will be the iMovie. iMovie is a free Mac video editor which can help you make AMVs.

What program is used to make AMVs? ›

Adobe After Effects

This motion graphics software from Adobe is a great tool that allows you to create amazing professional-looking anime music videos. Adobe After Effects is part of the Adobe Creative Cloud pack, and its features cover a wide spectrum of customization tools for your video projects.

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.