Document Management System Software | OpenKM (2024)

Document Management System Software | OpenKM (1)

OpenKM is an Enterprise Content Management Software, often referred to as Document Management Systems (DMS). There's a lot of literature about document management terms like : DMS, EDRMS or CMS usually more influenced by marketing rules rather than objective reasons.

A Document Management Software is a computer program used to store, manage and track electronic documents and electronic images of paper based information captured through the use of a document scanner.

OpenKM is a management solution that allows businesses to control the production, storage, management and distribution of electronic documents, yielding greater effectiveness and the ability to reuse information and to control the flow of the documents.

OpenKM is a document management software that integrates all essential document management, collaboration and an advanced search functionality into one easy to use solution. The system also includes administration tools to define the roles of various users, access control, user quota, level of document security, detailed logs of activity and automation setup.

OpenKM document management software builds a highly valuable repository of corporate information assets to facilitate knowledge creation and improve business decision making, boosting workgroups and enterprise productivity through shared practices, greater, better customer relations, faster sales cycles, improved product time-to-market, and better-informed decision making.

With OpenKM enterprise document management you can:

  • Control your enterprise content.
  • Collect information from any digital source.
  • Collaborate with colleagues on documents and projects.
  • Empower organizations to capitalize on accumulated knowledge by locating documents, experts, and information sources.
  • Enterprise content management features.
  • Manage digital content.
  • Manage documents.
Document Management System Software | OpenKM (2024)


How does document management software work? ›

Document management software is an electronic cabinet that can be used to organize all paper and digital files. The software helps the businesses to combine paper to digital files and store it into a single hub after it is scanned and digital formats get imported.

What is an example of document management software? ›

DocuWare is a comprehensive document management system designed to help businesses manage and organize their digital documents. This system allows for processes like scanning, archiving, filing, searching, and retrieving documents to be automated with ease.

What is the main function of the document management system? ›

Put simply, a document management system is an automated business software solution used to organize, secure, store, capture, digitize, and tag business files.

What is advantages of using computer software in documentation and record management? ›

Making relevant data easily accessible allows companies to take decisions faster so that they can stay ahead of the competition or make an informed decision. Records management software makes useful data accessible and disposes off unwanted data, so that relevant data can be accessed faster.

What are the basics of document management? ›

Document management systems have five basic components:

Desktop, web and mobile apps that make documents easy to locate and edit. Folder structures to organize, store and archive documents. Workflow functionality that automates tedious manual processes like filing and approval.

Is document management a skill? ›

Document management is the process of creating, storing, organizing, and sharing documents in a digital format. It is an essential skill for office administrators who need to handle various types of documents, such as contracts, invoices, reports, memos, and forms.

How do you manage a document management system? ›

Here are 7 steps to create and implement a document management strategy:
  1. Determine Who Will Take Charge. ...
  2. Assess the Current Filing System and Determine Strategy Requirements. ...
  3. Identify Each Document. ...
  4. Establish Procedures and Requirements, Then Document. ...
  5. Preparing the Strategy. ...
  6. Purge Unnecessary Documents.

Who uses document management system? ›

However, legal departments can effectively manage contracts, legal agreements, court filings, and other sensitive documents with a DMS. They can also efficiently manage contract versions and collaborate on legal documents while maintaining document confidentiality.

Why do we need document management? ›

Document management software provides version control, enabling team members to know what the latest version of the document is. Being able to easily track the progress of a document and ensuring you are always working with the most recent version goes a long way to improving efficiency and productivity in business.

When would you use the document management system? ›

Purpose of a Quality and Manufacturing Document Management System
  1. Increase speed of work.
  2. Reduce errors.
  3. Eliminate lost and misfiled documents.
  4. Save time, space, and money.
  5. Automate processes.
  6. Control access.
  7. Securely track files.
  8. Faster document turnaround.
Jul 27, 2023

Do I need a document management system? ›

If your business requires a lot of paperwork and internal collaboration, you need a document management system. Sound file management software will help organize your process, make your employees more productive, and reduce operating costs.

What are the 5 stages of the records life cycle? ›

The five core phases that make up the records life cycle are creation, maintenance and use, final disposition, storage, and security.

What are the disadvantages of using computer software in documentation and record management? ›

  • Time and effort: Documenting a program can be time-consuming and require a significant effort, especially if the program is large or complex.
  • Cost: There may be costs associated with creating and maintaining documentation, such as the time and resources required to write and update it.
Jan 27, 2021

What are the key features of a records management system? ›

What are the Key Features of an Electronic Records Management System?
  • Secure Data Storage. A large number of data breaches occur due to improper records storage. ...
  • Flexible Access Management Tools. ...
  • Industry-Specific Compliance Capabilities. ...
  • Automated Record Retention. ...
  • Integration with Existing Business Systems.
Jun 1, 2023

How is document management system implemented? ›

Embarking on the journey of implementing a DMS begins with a comprehensive understanding of your organization's document management needs. Conduct a thorough analysis of your current processes, document types, and challenges. Engage key stakeholders to gather insights into user preferences and requirements.

Is Microsoft Office a document management system? ›

Microsoft Office 365 provides various software solutions such as SharePoint, Microsoft Dynamics and OneDrive for document management that have unique perks based on their application and your needs.

Is Google Drive a document management system? ›

Additionally, Google Workspace has the following features for document management: File storage. Google Drive includes plenty of cloud storage with a powerful search for all of your documents and files. Access permissions.

What is the difference between document control and document management? ›

What is document management vs document control? Document management is about storing, sharing, and tracking documents to improve the efficiency of your operations. But document control is about marshalling the flow of knowledge and data in your organisation.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.