Dota2 - Is it REALLY so much harder than LoL? (2024)

I've been playing Dota2 for quite some time now. Not very long on the grand scheme of things, but long enough to know the basic ins and outs of it and how it differs from LoL. I've been playing for just over a month and a half.

And well, despite being told that Dota is so hard and LoL is easy. I find Dota so much easier than LoL. It's just so much more simple to play.

It's in the stats.

In LoL there's a big load of them. AD, AS, Crit, ArmorPen (flat and%), AP, Magic pen(flat and%), Armor, MR, HP, HP regen Mana, Mana regen.

You need to know all about min-maxing your damage. Playing a carry; Would more AD get me more damage, or should I get some phantom dancers? Am I facing heavilly armored dudes and need armor pen? Is more damage even required and I can build tanky? All these you need to make decisions about, if you don't you'll get utterly floored by someone who has.

In Dota there's 3... Strength, Agility and Intelegence. Those are the main stats, with a few sub stats all linked to the main ones (You get HP and HP regen from building Strength, etc). And a VERY few minor stats you'll hardly ever come across except in certain builds like Lifesteal and Magic Resistence.

You can just follow a build to the letter. You'll generally never need to deviate. (Also due to the items being far less stats and far more special effects).

In addition, most items give all three stats anyway (Branches, Circlet, Ultimate orb, Magic wand, Bracer, Null Talesman, etc) so you really don't need to bother choosing except right at the start of the game when you'll probably need some more stats to help with last hitting.

There's hardly any science to playing Dota, it's just keep doing what you are supposed to do and you'll get better.

And then there's how easy it is to get into. LoL has Runes and Masteries. You can be playing LoL for months and months and still not be ready for high level play. You can save up every Influence Point you earn from level 1 to 30 and hardly have a single rune page which makes all the difference.

Whereas Dota has all the characters unlocked from the start and rewards you for playing around with them all. There is no out of game boosting like runes in LoL, it's quick and simple for new players to get a great idea of what Dota is.

(And also DotaCinema on youtube has literally the greatest newbe coverage of any game I've ever seen.)

Dota IS mechanically harder than LoL though. With more item actives means more buttons to push. And some heroes have 6 skills like Morphling. However these simply come down to muscle memory after not too long. (When Ryze's combo is qrqweq, how much harder is 1wq3w?)

Some of the more complex heroes also have more than one controlable unit which you have to miromanage like Meepo and Broodmother. But you don't have to play those until you're more confident in your skills. (And for most of them you can click drag to select all, then right click on the dude you want dead (Broodmother, Nature's Prophet, etc) there are only a very few heroes you have to micro each unit individually (Meepo, Brewmaster))

Invoker's also quite hard to master (although I personally found it much easier than I should have due to playing a game with identical mechanics to him for a long time (Magicka)).

There's a couple more things you need to know about Dota than you do about LoL, such as how to use the Courier and Denying, but again, it's not too much to learn.

That said... I hear some of the things which Dota1 had and yes. Dota1 sounds like one of the hardest things I can imagine. Uncustomisiable keybindings set differently to each hero, (not QWER for your skills, DHAU or something for one hero and GYNE for another), and lack of some things any other game would take for granted.

So yes; I believe Dota is mechanically harder. But has so much less you NEED to know just to win a match.

Dota2 - Is it REALLY so much harder than LoL? (2024)


Is Dota really harder than LoL? ›

So which game is harder? In conclusion, both League of Legends and Dota 2 offer distinct challenges. While Dota 2 is generally considered more intricate due to its complex mechanics and strategic depth, League of Legends is not without its challenges, with its extensive champion roster and strong focus on teamwork.

Is Dota 2 really that hard? ›

Dota2 can be one of those games in a sense. It is perhaps one of the hardest esports to learn to play because of the many different characters and how they are each meant to be played. The complex roles of each character can make this game hard to get into. However, this doesn't mean that it is impossible.

Is Dota 2 harder than League of Legends on Reddit? ›

Dota 2 is more difficult. So much things to click on and do every minute, every seconds like luring, stacking, denying. Teleporting to save your allies. Including items, to save your team mate.

Why Dota 2 is so complex? ›

One of the reasons why Dota 2 is so complex is because of its sheer number of heroes, items, and abilities. There are over 120 heroes in the game, each with their own unique abilities and playstyles. On top of that, there are hundreds of items that can be purchased and used to enhance a hero's abilities.

Is Dota 2 hard for beginners? ›

Dota 2 is far beyond just being difficult or hard. It's brutal! It's unforgiving! But that's true only until a specific level — when you have proven your loyalty and taken the step from a beginner to… a beginner who can more or less play Dota 2.

Is LoL less toxic than Dota? ›

While others believe that toxicity is controversial as it can often lead to real-life instances of players having depression. Dota 2 vs LoL comparisons can be abundant and one can find differences in almost everything. Yet, when it comes to toxicity, these games are one and the same.

Is Dota 2 good for the brain? ›

With regards to Dota 2, a study on game expertise and attentional allocation [41] showed that experts in Dota 2 had higher transition patterns compared to beginners in an in-game eye-tracking test, meaning that highly skilled players could make more use of their cognitive capability.

Why is LoL easier than Dota 2? ›

The first thing to look into are the mechanics. League of Legends runs a lot smoother and the champions have a faster turn rate. Being older, Dota 2 can be a bit janky. Casual players and pros alike have to really consider the game being sluggish with animations and cast times.

Is Dota 2 addictive? ›

Many of the elitists who play Dota claim that it is a game of real skill. With great skill comes a great investment of time to improve and hence making them more susceptible to developing an addiction.

How hard is it to get good at Dota? ›

Dota is much like a raging stream, it's a wild ride if you go along with it but it's much harder if you go against it. What I'm trying to say is that Dota has it's ups and downs but you have to be patient and persistant and just keep trying and literally go with the flow.

What is more popular LoL or Dota 2? ›

COMMUNITIES. Worldwide, League of Legends has approximately 70 million users, while DOTA 2 boasts about 43 million, so LOL is definitely the most popular title.

Will there be Dota 3? ›

Will Dota 3 happen? There are no indications of a Dota 3 release. Despite the success of previous Valve games, the company has historically not pursued third installments.

Is Dota one of the hardest games? ›

Dota 2 is ranked as one of the best MOBAs of all time and stands out by offering a more challenging experience compared to the more popular League of Legends. The highest rank in Dota 2 is immortal and requires players to grind their way through seven rank levels.

What is the hardest MOBA game? ›

Dota 2 is the most difficult exemplar of the MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) genre. The game has an infamously steep learning curve thanks to all the different mechanics and game states that one has to grapple with.

Which is heavier Dota 2 or LoL? ›

League is way lighter than DotA, but it can be a decent looking game from time to time. A low-end computer is more than enough to run the game, and a mid-end computer is sure to run it at it's best.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.