Honours classification (Bachelor’s Degree) | Study (2024)

Calculation of overall classification

The following information outlines the Honours Degree classification system at the University of Hertfordshire and should be read in conjunction with the Academic Regulations handbook for 2020-2021.

To achieve an honours degree you need to have 360 credits.

To calculate your Honour’s degree classification (from 2013/14 onwards), the Programme Board of Examiners will determine:

  1. the average numeric grade of the best 90 credits at Level 6 or higher and
  2. the average numeric grade of the best remaining 90 credits at Level 5 or higher;
  3. a combined average numeric grade, weighted 75% (i) and 25% (ii);
  4. the candidate’s Honours classification will be considered on the basis of this combined average numeric grade.

Please see the University Policies and Regulations UPR AS14, section D6 for the exceptions to this.

The Honours classifications are as follows

  1. For a first class Honours award a candidate must achieve a combined average numeric grade of 69.50 or more;
  2. For an upper second class Honours award a candidate must achieve a combined average numeric grade of 59.50 or more;
  3. For a lower second class Honours award a candidate must achieve a combined average numeric grade of 49.50 or more;
  4. For a third class Honours award a candidate must achieve a combined average numeric grade of 39.50 or more.

Candidates who fail to meet the requirements for an Honours award will be recommended for the highest interim award consistent with their achievements.

Please see the University Policies and Regulations UPR AS14, section D6 for the classification for alternative awards and further information on the methodology.

Honours classification (Bachelor’s Degree) | Study (2024)
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