Most Widely Used French Verbs and Their Conjugation (2024)

The three words that make most French learners shudder are “French verb conjugation.”

And we get it. Learning regular verbs that adhere to a set conjugation pattern is challenging enough. Yet, you also need to master irregular verbs, each with its own unique conjugation rules. But fear not! We’ve crafted a list of essential verbs packed with examples and grammar tips to guide you through the twists and turns of French conjugation.

In this article, we’ll focus on the most common French verbs in their infinitive form. We’ll also look at their conjugations in four different tenses: Présent (present first tense), passé composé (present perfect past tense), imparfait (imperfect past tense), and futur simple (future).

When you get the hang of these common French tenses and equip yourself with some basic French vocabulary, there’ll be no stopping you from mastering the language of love.

20 most common French verbs and their conjugations

Conjugating verbs correctly is integral to successful communication. Even if you’re a pro at French question words, nouns, and pronouns, it’s difficult to express oneself confidently if you’re not confident in your French verb conjugations.

Want to ensure you sound like a native when speaking to French people? Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered with the following list of the 20 most common French verb conjugations, featuring examples of their use in everyday life and grammar tips. Scroll down to add these vital French tenses to your repertoire.

1. Être(to be)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
Je suisJ’ai étéJ’étaisJe serai
Tu esTu as étéTu étaisTu seras
Il/elle estIl/elle a étéIl/elle étaitIl/elle sera
Nous sommesNous avons étéNous étionsNous serons
Vous êtesVous avez étéVous étiezVous serez
Ils/elles sontIls/elles ont étéIls/elles étaientIls/elles seront


Ils sont devant le musée. (They are in front of the museum.)

Grammar tip:

“Être” is one of the two most important French irregular verbs to know when you’re learning French, alongside “avoir” (to have). “Être” has irregular verb conjugations in just about every tense. It also serves as an auxiliary verb in several compound tenses and moods in French (e.g., passé composé).

For example:

  • Il est parti tard (He left late).

2. Avoir (to have)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
J’aiJ’ai euJ’avaisJ’aurai
Tu asTu as euTu avaisTu auras
Il/elle aIl/elle a euIl/elle avaitIl/elle aura
Nous avonsNous avons euNous avionsNous aurons
Vous avezVous avez euVous aviezVous aurez
Ils/elles ontIls/elles ont euIls/elles avaientIls/elles auront


Nous avons eu deux réunions hier. (We had two meetings yesterday.)

Grammar tip:

Like “être,” “avoir” is an essential French verb with irregular conjugations. For the majority of French verb conjugations, “avoir” serves as the auxiliary verb in the compound tense and moods.

Don’t worry, it’s less complicated than it sounds! In English, we use the verb “to have” to form sentences like “I have danced” or “She has eaten.” French does something similar with “avoir.” For example, “J’ai dansé” means “I have danced.” Here, “J’ai” combines “Je” (I) and “ai” (have). So, just like “to have” supports the main verb in English, “avoir” does the same in French.

For example:

  • Ils ont déjà vu le film (They have already seen the film).

3. Aller (to go)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
Je vais Je suis allé(e)J’allaisJ’irai
Tu vasTu es allé(e)Tu allaisTu iras
Il/elle vaIl/elle est allé(e)Il/elle allaitIl/elle ira
Nous allonsNous sommes allé(e)sNous allionsNous irons
Vous allezVous êtes allé(e)sVous alliezVous irez
Ils/elles vontIls/elles sont allé(e)sIls/elles allaientIls/elles iront


Ils allaient au parc tous les jours. (They went to the park every day.)

Grammar tip:

Verbs whose auxiliary verb is “être” must show agreement of their past participles in gender (masculine or feminine — add e) and number (singular or plural — add s). For example:

  • Masculine subject → Je suis allé.
  • Feminine subject → Je suis allée.
  • Masculine plural → Ils sont allés.
  • Feminine plural → Elles sont allées.

For a mixed group, always use the masculine form. For example:

  • Thomas et Catherine sont revenus. (Thomas and Catherine came back.)

4. Parler (to speak/talk)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
Je parleJ’ai parléJe parlaisJe parlerai
Tu parlesTu as parléTu parlaisTu parleras
Il/elle parleIl/elle a parléIl/elle parlaitIl/elle parlera
Nous parlonsNous avons parléNous parlionsNous parlerons
Vous parlezVous avez parléVous parliezVous parlerez
Ils/elles parlentIls/elles ont parléIls/elles parlaientIls/elles parleront


Tu parles si bien l’espagnol ! (You speak Spanish so well!)

Grammar tip:

“Parler” fits the normal pattern for French verbs ending in -er. So, by learning how to conjugate this regular verb, you’ll simultaneously know the different tenses of all regular verbs that finish in -er. Just insert the infinitive stem before the endings above, and voilà!

5. Faire (to do)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
Je faisJ’ai faitJe faisaisJe ferai
Tu faisTu as faitTu faisaisTu feras
Il/elle faitIl/elle a faitIl/elle faisaitIl/elle fera
Nous faisonsNous avons faitNous faisionsNous ferons
Vous faitesVous avez faitVous faisiezVous ferez
Ils/elles fontIls/elles ont faitIls/elles faisaientIls/elles feront


Je fais le gâteau pour son anniversaire. (I’m making the cake for her birthday.)

Note: Unlike in English where the present tense has three different forms (the present simple, the present progressive, and the present emphatic), there is only one present tense in French. Le temps présent in French is used to express both momentary action and progressive action. So, “je fais le gâteau” could be translated as “I make the cake”, “I’m making the cake”, and “I do make the cake”.

Grammar tip:

“Faire” is found in many French idiomatic expressions and is the key to the causative construction (“faire” + infinitive). For example:

  • Il fait froid. (It’s cold.) *Notice that in expressions about the weather, “faire” becomes equivalent to “to be”.
  • Nous faisons du ballet. (We do ballet.)
  • Elle fait des économies pour un voyage au Japon. (She is saving for a trip to Japan.)
  • La pluie fait pousser l’herbe plus vite. (The rain makes the grass grow faster.) *causative construction

6. Prendre (to take)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
Je prendsJ’ai prisJe prenaisJe prendrai
Tu prendsTu as prisTu prenaisTu prendras
Il/elle prendIl/elle a prisIl/elle prenaitIl/elle prendra
Nous prenonsNous avons prisNous prenionsNous prendrons
Vous prenezVous avez prisVous preniezVous prendrez
Ils/elles prennentIls/elles ont prisIls/elles prenaientIls/elles prendront


Ils ont pris ses bagages par accident ! (They took her luggage by accident!)

Grammar tip:

Like “avoir” and “faire”, the verb “prendre” is one of the most commonly used and comes up in a wide variety of idiomatic expressions in French. For example:

  • Prendre du poids (to gain weight)
  • Prendre son temps (to take one’s time)
  • Prendre garde (to watch out/be careful)

7. Vouloir (to want)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
Je veuxJ’ai vouluJe voulaisJe voudrai
Tu veuxTu as vouluTu voulaisTu voudras
Il/elle veutIl/elle a vouluIl/elle voulaitIl/elle voudra
Nous voulonsNous avons vouluNous voulionsNous voudrons
Vous voulezVous avez vouluVous vouliezVous voudrez
Ils/elles veulentIls/elles ont vouluIls/elles voulaientIls/elles voudront


Voulez-vous une salade avec votre repas ? (Do you want a salad with your meal?)

Grammar tip:

“Vouloir” can be used to express a want/desire or to request something politely. It can also be used to give strong commands or to agree to something willingly.

  • Desire: Je veux devenir astronaute ! (I want to become an astronaut!)
  • Polite request: Voulez-vous tenir ça pour moi ? (Would you please hold this for me?)
  • Strong command: Je veux qu’il finisse ses tâches avant de sortir. (I want him to finish his chores before he goes out.)

8. Savoir (to know)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
Je saisJ’ai suJe savaisJe saurai
Tu saisTu as suTu savaisTu sauras
Il/elle saitIl/elle a suIl/elle savaitIl/elle saura
Nous savonsNous avons suNous savionsNous saurons
Vous savezVous avez suVous saviezVous saurez
Ils/elles saventIls/elles ont suIls/elles savaientIls/elles sauront


Nous savions que cela arriverait. (We knew this would happen.)

Grammar tip:

“Savoir” is an irregular French -ir verb, like ouvrir, devoir, falloir, pleuvoir, pouvoir, recevoir, tenir, venir, voir or vouloir.

9. Pouvoir (to be able to)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
Je peuxJ’ai puJe pouvaisJe pourrai
Tu peuxTu as puTu pouvaisTu pourras
Il/elle peutIl/elle a puIl/elle pouvaitIl/elle pourra
Nous pouvonsNous avons puNous pouvionsNous pourrons
Vous pouvezVous avez puVous pouviezVous pourrez
Ils/elles peuventIls/elles ont puIls/elles pouvaientIls/elles pourront


Peux-tu s’il te plaît préparer le dîner de ce soir ? (Can you please cook the dinner tonight?)

Grammar tip:

French people often use “pouvoir” to express politeness. Therefore, learning this verb is vital if you want to make the right impression when speaking or sending messages. For example:

  • Je suis vraiment désolé, mais je ne peux pas vous aider avec ça. (I’m really sorry, but I can’t help you with this.)

10. Venir (to come)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
Je viensJe suis venu(e)Je venaisJe viendrai
Tu viensTu es venu(e)Tu venaisTu viendras
Il/elle vientIl/elle est venu(e)Il/elle venaitIl/elle viendra
Nous venonsNous sommes venu(e)sNous venionsNous viendrons
Vous venezVous êtes venu(e)sVous veniezVous viendrez
Ils/elles viennentIls/elles sont venu(e)sIls/elles venaientIls/elles viendront


Tu viens demain ? (Are you coming tomorrow?)

Grammar tip:

Like “aller,” “venir” is conjugated with “être.” “Venir de” means to “come from.”

  • Je viens de Moscou (I come from Moscow).

If “venir de” is followed by a verb, then it means “have just.”

  • Elle vient de terminer son devoir (She has just finished her paper).

11. Dire (to say/tell)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
Je disJ’ai ditJe disaisJe dirai
Tu disTu as ditTu disaisTu diras
Il/elle ditIl/elle a ditIl/elle disaitIl/elle dira
Nous disonsNous avons ditNous disionsNous dirons
Vous ditesVous avez ditVous disiezVous direz
Ils/elles disentIls/elles ont ditIls/elles disaientIls/elles diront


Il a dit à tout le monde que nous allions nous marier. (He told everyone we were getting married.)

Grammar tip:

Most French irregular verbs can be organized into five patterns, but “dire” does not fit into any of them. This means you have to learn its conjugation by heart.

12. Donner (to give)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
Je donneJ’ai donnéJe donnaisJe donnerai
Tu donnesTu as donnéTu donnaisTu donneras
Il/elle donneIl/elle a donnéIl/elle donnaitIl/elle donnera
Nous donnonsNous avons donnéNous donnionsNous donnerons
Vous donnezVous avez donnéVous donniezVous donnerez
Ils/elles donnentIls/elles ont donnéIls/elles donnaientIls/elles donneront


Non, elle ne lui a pas donné ses livres. (No, she didn’t give him her books.)

Grammar tip:

“Donner” is also used in many idiomatic expressions. For example:

  • Donner l’exemple (to set an example)
  • Donner l’heure à quelqu’un (to tell someone the time)
  • Donner une fête (to throw a party)

13. Penser (to think)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
Je penseJ’ai penséJe pensaisJe penserai
Tu pensesTu as penséTu pensaisTu penseras
Il/elle penseIl/elle a penséIl/elle pensaitIl/elle pensera
Nous pensonsNous avons penséNous pensionsNous penserons
Vous pensezVous avez penséVous pensiezVous penserez
Ils/elles pensentIls/elles ont penséIls/elles pensaientIls/elles penseront


Ils y penseront plus tard. (They will think about it later.)

Grammar tip:

When using this first-group verb, remember that the preposition you place after it changes the meaning slightly. “Penser à” means “to think about” as in “to have someone on your mind.” For example:

  • Tu penses à elle, n’est-ce pas ? (You are thinking of her, aren’t you?)

“Penser de” means “to think about” in the sense of “having an opinion on.” For example:

  • Que pensez-vous de cet hôtel ? (What do you think about this hotel?)

14. Aider (to help)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
J’aideJ’ai aidéJ’aidaisJ’aiderai
Tu aidesTu as aidéTu aidaisTu aideras
Il/elle aideIl/elle a aidéIl/elle aidaitIl/elle aidera
Nous aidonsNous avons aidéNous aidionsNous aiderons
Vous aidezVous avez aidéVous aidiezVous aiderez
Ils/elles aidentIls/elles ont aidéIls/elles aidaientIls/elles aideront


Elle les aidera à déménager. (She will help them move apartments.)

Grammar tip:

“Aider” is a first group verb, so it follows the regular conjugation pattern of the first group verbs that end in -er:

You first remove the -er from the end of the infinitive form of the verb (aider becomes aid). Then, you add the appropriate endings (e.g. in present tense it’s: e, es, e, ons, ez, ent).

15. Aimer (to like/love)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
J’aimeJ’ai aiméJ’aimaisJ’aimerai
Tu aimesTu as aiméTu aimaisTu aimeras
Il/elle aimeIl/elle a aiméIl/elle aimaitIl/elle aimera
Nous aimonsNous avons aiméNous aimionsNous aimerons
Vous aimezVous avez aiméVous aimiezVous aimerez
Ils/elles aimentIls/elles ont aiméIls/elles aimaientIls/elles aimeront


Ils aimaient jouer ensemble quand ils étaient enfants. (They used to love playing together when they were children.)

Grammar tip:

You can use “aimer” to express fondness for something or to declare your love in French. Therefore, mastering the conjugation of this verb is crucial, especially if you want to make it clear who you’re speaking to!

16. Devoir (to have to, to need to)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
Je doisJ’ai dûJe devaisJe devrai
Tu doisTu as dûTu devaisTu devras
Il/elle doitIl/elle a dûIl/elle devaitIl/elle devra
Nous devonsNous avons dûNous devionsNous devrons
Vous devezVous avez dûVous deviezVous devrez
Ils/elles doiventIls/elles ont dûIls/elles devaientIls/elles devront


Vous devez boire plus d’eau. (You need to drink more water.)

Grammar tip:

Navigating the nuances of “devoir” and “falloir” can be challenging, as both express obligation or necessity. Think of it this way, “devoir” points to a personal obligation or something one must do, while “falloir” hints at a general necessity or something that simply needs to happen.

If you’re scratching your head, you’re not alone. Grasping this subtle distinction takes time, but with practice and the right guidance, it’ll become second nature. For example:

  • Je dois lui dire ça. Je ne peux pas mentir ! (I have to tell him this. I can’t lie!)
  • Il faut que je parte. Je vais être en retard ! (I must leave. I’ll be late!)

17. Habiter (to live)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
J’habiteJ’ai habitéJ’habitaisJ’habiterai
Tu habitesTu as habitéTu habitaisTu habiteras
Il/elle habiteIl/elle a habitéIl/elle habitaitIl/elle habitera
Nous habitonsNous avons habitéNous habitionsNous habiterons
Vous habitezVous avez habitéVous habitiezVous habiterez
Ils/elles habitentIls/elles ont habitéIls/elles habitaientIls/elles habiteront


Elle habitera en Allemagne l’année prochaine. (She will live in Germany next year.)

Grammar tip:

“Habiter” is often followed by a preposition (such as à, en, aux etc.) , but it technically doesn’t require one.

For example, we can say both:

J’habite Londres.

J’habite à Londres.

However, nowadays it’s much more common to place a preposition after the verb “habiter” than not.

18. Regarder (to look, watch)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
Je regardeJ’ai regardéJe regardaisJe regarderai
Tu regardesTu as regardéTu regardaisTu regarderas
Il/elle regardeIl/elle a regardéIl/elle regardaitIl/elle regardera
Nous regardonsNous avons regardéNous regardionsNous regarderons
Vous regardezVous avez regardéVous regardiezVous regarderez
Ils/elles regardentIls/elles ont regardéIls/elles regardaientIls/elles regarderont


Ses parents regardaient la télé tous les soirs quand on n’était pas là. (His parents watched TV every night when we were away.)

Grammar tip:

In French, “regarder” is used in an active sense, implying intention and focus. In contrast, “voir” carries a passive meaning, suggesting casual or incidental observation. When you’re actively directing your attention, you’d use “regarder.” For those moments you just happen to notice something, “voir” is the word to choose.

Here are some sentence structure examples to illustrate the difference between the two:

  • La semaine dernière, j’ai regardé les oiseaux dans la forêt (Last week, I watched the birds in the forest).

Last week, I intentionally observed the birds in the forest.

  • La semaine dernière, j‘ai vu beaucoup d’oiseaux dans la forêt (Last week, I saw many birds in the forest).

Last week, when I was in the forest, I saw a lot of birds. I didn’t focus on them. It wasn’t my intention to see them. I just became aware that they were there.

19. Utiliser (to use)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
J’utiliseJ’ai utiliséJ’utilisaisJ’utliserai
Tu utilisesTu as utiliséTu utilisaisTu utiliseras
Il/elle utiliseIl/elle a utiliséIl/elle utilisaitIl/elle utilisera
Nous utilisonsNous avons utiliséNous utilisionsNous utiliserons
Vous utilisezVous avez utiliséVous utilisiezVous utiliserez
Ils/elles utilisentIls/elles ont utiliséIls/elles utilisaientIls/elles utiliseront


Avez-vous déjà utilisé cet ordinateur ? (Have you used this computer before?)

Grammar tip:

“Utiliser” is a regular -er verb. It uses the same infinitive endings as the majority of French verbs (e.g. “aimer”, “aider”, “parler”).

20. Essayer (to try)

Présent (Present)Passé composé (Present perfect)Imparfait (Imperfect)Futur simple (Future)
J’essaye/essaieJ’ai essayéJ’essayaisJ’essayerai/essaierai
Tu essayes/essaiesTu as essayéTu essayaisTu essayeras/


Il/elle essaye/essaieIl/elle a essayéIl/elle essayaitIl/elle essayera/


Nous essayonsNous avons essayéNous essayionsNous essayerons/


Vous essayezVous avez essayéVous essayiezVous essayerez/


Ils/elles essayent/essaientIls/elles ont essayéIls/elles essayaientIls/elles essayeront/



Ils ont essayé de se rendre au Panama, mais leur vol était surbooké. (They tried to fly to Panama, but their flight was overbooked.)

Grammar tip:

Usually, with French verbs that end in -yer, such as the verb “nettoyer” (to clean), the -y changes to -i before -e, -es and -ent. However, with the verb “essayer,” the -y can change into an -i, but it doesn’t always have to.

So, “j’essaye” and “j’essaie,” for example, are both correct. This is also the case with other verbs ending in -ayer, such as “payer” (to pay).

Feeling swamped by the rules surrounding sentence structure and verb conjugation? Don’t worry! We understand that diving into the intricacies of conjugated forms when learning French isn’t easy. But always remember, with each verb pattern you master, you’re making significant strides toward fluency.

When you’re ready to learn more French verb conjugations, check out Reverso Conjugation. Simply type the verb in English and click conjugate to get all the verb tenses of the equivalent word in French.

French verb conjugation: Five memory hacks

Now you have a list of the 20 most common French verbs, the next step is to memorize them. Check out the following five tips to become a pro at conjugating verb tenses of the fifth most spoken language in the world.

1. Start with the present

When learning French conjugation, start with the present tense. Focus on -er verbs first – they have an easy pattern you can quickly grasp. That way, you’ll gain confidence early on. Once you’re comfortable with the present tense, the subjunctive, conditional, and past tenses will be much easier to tackle.

This step-by-step approach ensures you grow your skills steadily without feeling overwhelmed.

2. Embrace the irregulars

Those pesky irregular verbs can seem daunting, but instead of avoiding them, tackle them head-on. Start with the giants, such as “être,” “avoir,” and “aller” – as they are common verbs, coming across them won’t be a struggle. Remember, frequent exposure (also known as the spacing effect) is the best way to retain new information and, therefore, master French conjugations.

3. Speak, spell, succeed

Take a page from the popular French learning YouTuber behind MyFrenchStory by saying the conjugations out loud and spelling the words without their endings. This technique, commonly used by French children in schools, is incredibly effective. Watch this video by MyFrenchStory to learn more about this French conjugation technique.

4. Immerse yourself in the language

Let French and its conjugations seep into your daily life. Set your gadgets (smartphone, tablet, Fitbit, etc.) to French, indulge in French cinema, browse French news, and tune into French podcasts. By weaving the language into your daily routine, you can transform mundane tasks into enriching learning experiences.

5. Make mistakes

According to renowned language-learning expert Benny Lewis, making mistakes is the only way to learn a language. Therefore, get stuck in and try out new sentence structures when speaking. To ensure you master those tricky irregular verbs, team up with a French-speaking buddy or professional tutor who will point out your errors so you can learn from them.

Let’s start conjugating!

You just made an important step! With this list of French verb conjugations, you’re one step closer to parler le français with confidence.

Want to fast-track your journey to mastering all aspects of the French language, including conditional tenses, the present subjunctive, and the passé antérieur? This is where we can help.

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Most Widely Used French Verbs and Their Conjugation (2024)
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