Red Jasper Protective and Grounding (2024)

Red jasper, a stone typically associated with the root chakra energy, is one of the most effective stones you could use to protect your own energy system when you are confronted with negative energies of any kind. Some of the protective qualities of red jasper can be attributed to the way red jasper is formed.

Red jasper is a sedimentary stone. Sedimentary stones are created under the influence of external factors such as sun, rain, wind, heat, cold and frost. These factors erode and transport minerals from one area to another, and over time, sometimes millions of years, create new stones. Sedimentary stones carry within, the energy of external factors. When external factors such as career, family, friends, climate, etc., are causing negative influences in your life and your health, work with sedimentary rocks and crystals such as red jasper to bring balance and healing to yourself and to your environment.

What are the healing properties red jasper can offer you?

Red jasper gives you the courage to speak out. It is a very helpful stone to have with you if you are in a stressful situation. Red jasper also balances and heals the human aura by removing negative energies. It strengthens your aura and grounds your energy system. Red jasper strengthens the root chakra and increases your personal energy or chi. It stabilizes your energy pattern thereby helping both your physical and emotional bodies come into balance.

Whenever you encounter a negative energy, red jasper will absorb that negative energy … it will take the “hit.” If the negative energy absorbed by the stone is intense, the red jasper piece can crack or shatter into smaller pieces. (See photo.) This piece of red jasper cracked within 15 minutes after a Reiki practitioner took it with her into her place of employment. It not only protected her, but also alerted her of the presence of negative energies around her.

How can you help to make your red jasper more effective for you?

You can charge your red jasper with Reiki. Hold the red jasper between your hands and give it Reiki for 5 minutes. The Reiki energy coming from your hands will fill the stone. Repeat this process a few times each week to keep the stone’s healing powers strong.

In addition, if you frequently find yourself in stressful or negative situations, remember to cleanse your red jasper daily or else stagnant energy will build up and the red jasper will stop working. Cleansing your red jasper once a week is a good idea even if you are not facing any extra stress. One of the easiest ways you can cleanse your red jasper is by rinsing it under cold running water for 3 to 5 minutes. Afterwards, pat it dry with a paper towel and it’s ready for use again.

Wear red jasper on your body as a bracelet. Place the bracelet near your left wrist. Energy enters the body through the left hand. By wearing it here the red jasper is preventing negative energy from entering your body. You can also wear red jasper as a pendant over your heart chakra, or carry it with you in a small pouch or medicine bag. For more information about red jasper and other healing stones, or to purchase your own stones charged and attuned to Reiki, please contact Lourdes at



Red Jasper Protective and Grounding (2024)
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