Unmarried fathers: what rights do you have? (2024)

The Office for National Statistics reported that in 2020 just under half of all babies in England and Wales were born to unmarried parents. By comparison 5.4% of babies’ parents in 1960 were unmarried. This major societal change has meant that there are more unmarried fathers than ever before who are anxious not to miss out on their children’s lives and want to understand what parental rights they have.

Although all children have a right to a relationship with both parents, unmarried fathers do not always share the same rights in relation to their biological children as married fathers. As an unmarried father, you could be one of the child’s two ‘legal’ parents but this is not the same as having parental responsibility – and it is the latter that is critical if you want to be involved in your children’s upbringing.

What is a legal parent?

A child can have a maximum of two legal parents, one of whom is always the birth mother, regardless of her circ*mstances and marital status, and will be named on the child’s birth certificate. The other legal parent is usually, but not always, the genetic father. For instance, if the mother is married or in a civil partnership, then her spouse (who may not necessarily be the biological father) or civil partner will be presumed to be the legal father, unless this presumption is rebutted. An unmarried biological father will be the other legal parent only if the mother is not married or in a civil partnership. A legal parent is financially responsible for their child / children; and confers nationality status and hereditary rights on those children. Changing a legal parent can only be done by adoption or through a parental order made by the Family Court following a surrogacy arrangement.

Parental responsibility

Having parental responsibility (PR) means that, as a father, you are entitled to have an equal say in the decisions affecting the upbringing of your child / children. This will include their health, wellbeing and welfare, education, religion and where they live.
Unlike legal parents, the number of people who can have PR is unlimited. Nonetheless, it is only the birth mother who has automatic PR. If she is married or in a civil partnership, her spouse/civil partner will also automatically have PR. An unmarried father can only acquire PR by:

  • Marrying the birth mother;
  • Entering into a formal, written PR agreement with the mother;
  • Obtaining a PR order or a child arrangements for the child to live with you from the Family Court; or
  • Being registered as the father on the birth certificate of a child born on or after 1 December 2003.

Obtaining parental responsibility via a court order

If, as an unmarried father who is not named on the birth certificate, your child’s mother refuses to agree to you sharing parental responsibility, you can apply for a court order but bear in mind that the court will always have the child’s best interests at the heart of any application. The court will consider your commitment to the child and the state of your relationship, as well as the reasons for making the application when deciding to grant it.

The limits of parental responsibility

Having parental responsibility does not mean that you automatically have the right to see your child / children if they do not live with you but, if a dispute arises, it is presumed that the involvement of a parent in the child’s life will further the child’s welfare unless the contrary is shown. If child’s mother refuses access, you can apply to the court for a child arrangements order which will govern access arrangements to enable you to see your child, which can include living arrangements. The child’s welfare will be the court’s paramount consideration when considering any application.

It is also worth noting that if you have parental responsibility, this will be a shared right with neither parent having priority over the other. This means that if one parent wishes to pursue a course of action (vaccinating a child is a prime example) with which the other parent disagrees, then an application to the court will need to be made to determine the issue. Finally, whereas being a legal parent lasts a lifetime, parental responsibility ends when the child / children reach 18. It can also be revoked via a court order, although this is very rare.

Children always come first

If you are an unmarried father, not living with the mother of your child and not named on their birth certificate, you may feel unfairly discriminated against. However, there are clear routes you can explore in order to obtain parental responsibility to give you equal say in how your child is raised. Nonetheless, it is critical to remember that the courts will always put the children first so it is essential that you prepare your arguments carefully when applying for an order.

Our family team has considerable experience in helping unmarried fathers reach an agreement with their child’s mother to share parental responsibility. If court is the only option, we can help you prepare your case. We are always happy to have an initial chat to see if we can help you.

Unmarried fathers: what rights do you have? (2024)


What rights do unmarried fathers have in us? ›

Unwed fathers have custody and visitation rights, as do unwed mothers. There tends, however, to be a bias in favor of mothers in cases involving unwed couples, whether they had a long-term relationship or not.

Can unmarried father take child from mother in Florida? ›

The father cannot attempt to take the child without first obtaining a court order. If the father attempts to do so, the mother should call the police. Under Florida law, anyone attempting to take the child without a court order can be charged with the crime of "interference with custody".

What is the new law for fathers rights in Florida? ›

This law allows unwed fathers to gain custody rights and support obligations without the need to go to court to establish paternity. With these equal rights, unmarried fathers can now have an equal say in their child's education, healthcare, religion, time-sharing, and overall safety.

Can unmarried father take child from mother in Texas? ›

When a baby is born to parents who are not married to each other, the law does NOT recognize the biological father as a legal parent. In other words, a biological father who is not married to the mother of their child does NOT have legal rights to his child until he becomes a legal parent.

Who should claim child on taxes if not married? ›

When both biological parents of a child live together, but aren't married, it's a common question to ask who gets to claim their child on the tax return. Without a specific agreement, the parent who has the highest adjusted gross income for the year has the right to claim the child.

What happens if a father has a child with his daughter? ›

There would be a very good chance that the baby might have some problems. Father and daughter share some of the same DNA. This could lead to developmental, physical or mental problems.

What rights do fathers have in Florida if not married? ›

Custody Arrangements in Florida

Unmarried fathers do not have to give up their rights to their children. Florida law requires courts to make custody decisions based on the best interest of the child. In determining the best interest of the child, the court will consider: Both parents' mental and physical health.

How long does a father have to be absent to lose his rights in Florida? ›

In addition, a parent who cannot be located for 60 or more days can have his or her parental rights terminated by the court.

Do unmarried biological fathers have rights in Florida? ›

If you are the unwed father of a child born in Florida, you now have equal rights to assume custody or to take part in raising your child. This will require you to file a parenting plan with Florida's family law court and to show the court that your parenting plan serves the best interest of the child.

What is father abandonment in Florida? ›

If you can establish abandonment, your next step should be to file a petition seeking termination of parental rights. If your petition is granted, the parent will have no legal standing or rights to pursue a relationship with the child.

At what age in Florida can a child choose to live with one parent? ›

In most states, a specific age (such as 14) is set when a child's preference of which parent he/she wants to live with is considered by the court. This is not the case in Florida, as there is no particular age set and the decision is left up to the judge's discretion.

How can a father lose visitation rights in Florida? ›

Missed scheduled visits. The child's experiences with the parent. If there is evidence the parent may kidnap their child. If there is evidence the parent abuses drugs and/or alcohol.

Who has more rights over a child in Texas? ›

Both the father and the mother of a child have equal rights in Texas. Rather than considering the gender of each parent, the court will look at the best interests of the child when making decisions involving their lives, such as child custody.

Is TX a mother state? ›

Texas law establishes the rights and responsibilities of all parents. Mothers and fathers have the same rights under the law.

Can my mom take my phone if my dad pays for it? ›

general parenting plan paperwork in most states which is drawn up by the courts states that a parent can take the phone away but that they cannot deny you communication to your other parent. so can they? almost always the answer is yes and without a parenting plan the answer is even more of a yes.

Can unmarried father take child from mother in Tennessee? ›

If parents are unmarried at the time of their child's birth, the mother is presumed to have custody. Legal parents have the right to have a relationship with their child and to visit their child. Once a father acknowledges paternity, he gains these rights.

Can unmarried father take child from mother in Oklahoma? ›

Oklahoma law is very clear, if you're not married to the mother, you have no custody rights until you establish them at court. In other words, what the mother says goes, there are no exceptions. So if you want visitation time, then it's up to mom.

Who has custody if both parents are on the birth certificate but not married in Ohio? ›

Under Ohio law, unmarried mothers automatically have sole custody of their children, even after paternity is established.

What rights does a father have if he is on the birth certificate in SC? ›

Once paternity is established, both parents will maintain equal rights before the court. Neither the father nor the mother will be given any preference, and the court will award custody based on the best interest of the child's interests.

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