Why Do Women Hate Me? 5 Possible Reasons Why (2024)

If you are sick and tired of being rejected by women and have gotten to the point where you’re asking, “Why do women hate me?” here 5 possible reasons why it is happening to you…

1. You think that women should like you because you are nice, kind and polite to them

Why Do Women Hate Me? 5 Possible Reasons Why (1)

You might be an intelligent, good, decent man who deserves to be loved and wanted by women, but you’re not going to get that in return for simply being nice to them.

If you want women to like you and want to be with you, the missing ingredient that you’ve been failing to add into your interactions with women is sexual attraction.

You can’t make up for a lack of sexual attraction by being very kind, nice and polite to women and then expecting that they like you in a sexual and romantic way because of that.

Women want to feel sexual attraction for you, just like you want to be with a woman who you feel sexually attracted to.

You can make women experience sexual and romantic feelings for you, but you need to make some minor adjustments to your approach to women when you talk to them and interact with them.

Here’s the thing…

Pretty much every guy who feels that women hate him is simply using the wrong approach to women when it comes to dating and sex.

It’s not that women hate who is and will never like him, but they simply don’t feel attracted to the approach the he uses when he talks to them and interacts with them.

For example: A guy who is hated or disliked by women will be really nice, polite, kind and considerate when talking to a woman and then hope that she will be nice to him and like him in return.

He will try his best to show her that he is a good, trustworthy guy who has good intentions with her and will treat her nicely.

He will also want to show her that he is interested in who she is as a person, cares about her wellbeing and would never do anything to hurt her, embarrass her or break her heart.

In other words, he will treat her like a princess and essentially kiss her ass and in return, he hopes that she will like him, love him and want to have sex with him.

Why Do Women Hate Me? 5 Possible Reasons Why (2)

He assumes that a woman will think, “Wow, this guy is really nice. He’s not like other guys who only want to have sex with me. This guy is different. I should be with him.”

Yet, that’s not how it works.

Why Do Women Hate Me? 5 Possible Reasons Why (3)

Women do appreciate when guys are nice to them, but niceness isn’t enough to make her want to have sex with a guy or start a relationship with a guy.

A woman wants to first feel sexually attracted to a guy and if he is then nice to her as well, she will excited to have found such a charming, exciting guy and she will want him all for herself.

However, if a guy interacts with a woman and is only nice to her, she won’t feel excited because there is no sexual attraction and he is one of 95% of guys who try to use the nice guy approach on women to get laid or get a girlfriend.

…and she’s sick and tired of it.

She wants to feel sexually attracted to a guy, not just experience friendly feelings (i.e. no sexual feelings) and then be expected to want to be with a guy just because he is being nice to her.

That is not how women work.

You’ve got to make her feel attracted to you first, rather than acting (yes, acting) like you just want to be her friend.

You can still be nice to her (I’m nice to women and I’ve enjoyed my choice of women for years now), but you must ALSO make her feel sexually attracted and aroused by the way that you interact with her.

Watch this video to understand why only being nice to a woman will often result in a rejection…

So, how can you make a woman feel attracted to you when you interact with her?

You simply need to display some (not even all) of the personality traits, behaviors and inner qualities that naturally attract women.

For example: Confidence, charisma, masculinity that makes her feel feminine and girly in comparison to you (i.e. how you think, talk, feel, behave, take action, respond and react to her), charm and humor.

If you display traits that women find naturally attractive in men, then women will automatically (whether they want to or not) feel attracted to you.

That is how nature works: Display attractive traits = Attractive.

It’s as simple as that.

So, if a guy interacts with a woman and he is being nervous, self-doubting and unsure of himself around a woman, she is not going to feel attracted to him.

Why? Well, if you understood how a woman’s attraction for a man really works, then you’d already know that women feel attracted to the emotional strength of men (e.g. confidence, high-self esteem) and turned off by the emotional weakness (e.g. insecurity, nervousness, low self-esteem).

Of course, some of the guys who are asking the question, “Why do women hate me?” will also add in, “How am I supposed to have high self-esteem when women hate me?”

Simple: Start attracting women when you interact with them by displaying some of the personality traits, behaviors and inner qualities that naturally attract women.

When you do that, women will show interest in you, treat you nicely and want to be with you…and what will happen then?

You will become confident in your ability to attract women and you will feel good about how many women like you.

The result? You have confidence and high-self esteem. You will also have a girlfriend or be getting laid regularly if that’s what you want.

Why Do Women Hate Me? 5 Possible Reasons Why (4)

Yet, if you have no idea how to attract women and don’t even try to improve your understanding of attraction from this moment onwards, then you can’t expect women to suddenly start treating you any better, because you still won’t be making them feel any better about you.

A woman wants a guy who has the ability to make her feel sexually attracted and turned on and then, if he also happens to be a good, kind man then she sees that as a welcome, exciting bonus.

However, if all that a guy has to offer a woman is his kindness and she gets the impression that he’s only being nice to get to spend time with her and hopefully grow on her, she will usually be cold towards him or reject him rather than have to put up with him pursuing her for months or years without ever understanding that she just doesn’t feel any attraction for him.

At this point, some guys might say, “Why don’t women just tell me that I’m not making them feel attracted?” and the answer is simple: She doesn’t want to teach you how to make her feel attracted.

She wants you to be able to naturally attract her by displaying attractive traits, rather than have to take on a role as a big sister, mother or teacher for you to explain how to be attractive to women.

She also doesn’t want to “give a guy a chance” even though she feels no attraction for him, or be nice and mistakenly give a guy the impression that if he keeps talking to her or pursuing her, she will eventually give him and “let him” be with her.

She wants a guy who makes her feel as though she would be lucky to be with him and thankfully, it is very easy to make a woman feel that way.

Watch this video to understand how to get a woman to feel lucky to be chosen by you…

Being a challenge for a woman to win over is the quickest, easiest way to get a woman to go from feeling attracted to you to pursuing you and hoping that she gets to be with you.

You can put a woman through that process when you first talk to her, or you can begin the process with a woman you already know simply by starting to make her feel very attracted to you.

2. You think that women play stupid mind games because you don’t understand why they have to test men

Why Do Women Hate Me? 5 Possible Reasons Why (5)

When a guy gets to a point in life where is pissed off at women and is wondering, “Why do women hate me?!!” he will often feel as though women play stupid mind games and are a waste of time and energy.

However, guys like that simply don’t understand that when a woman acts cold or disinterested at the start of an interaction, she’s almost always doing that to simply test the guy’s confidence.

Why do women want to test a guy’s confidence?

Women are naturally attracted to the emotional strength of men (e.g. confidence, high self-esteem, determination to succeed) and turned off by the emotional weakness (e.g. insecurity, low self-esteem, fear of success or feeling unworthy of success).

So, if a man starts interacting with a woman who wants a confident guy, she will almost always test him by being cold and disinterested at the start.

She has to do that to him to test his confidence and see if he is going to crumble under the pressure, or if he is going to remain confident.

If he remains confident, she will then begin to let down her guard and show a friendly, easy-going side of herself that she doesn’t show to other guys who lack confidence.

However, if the guy crumbles under pressure (i.e. he becomes nervous and unsure of himself), she will rapidly lose interest in him and may even coldly reject him to get him away from her so she doesn’t have to waste any more time on a guy who doesn’t have what it takes to make her feel attracted.

3. You act like you only want to be friends with women, but they know that you want sex or a relationship

Why Do Women Hate Me? 5 Possible Reasons Why (6)

If you are one of the many modern men who are asking, “Why do women hate me?” then you will almost certainly put on an act (yes, an act) of only wanting to be a woman’s nice friend when you first meet her.

When you talk to women that you find attractive, you may come across as neutral (i.e. you won’t show sexual interest) and you will try to give her the impression that you just want to get to know her, or you find her interesting or fascinating and simply want to talk to her for that reason.

If a woman is attractive, she will have had plenty of guys (who don’t know how to attract women) use that fake approach on her in the past and she will hate it.

There’s nothing wrong with becoming a woman’s friend before you decide that you want to ask her out, kiss her, take her on a date or have sex with her, but she’s only going to be excited by that kind of courtship if you are also making her sexually attracted and aroused by the way you interact with her.

Watch this video to understand how a woman’s attraction for a man works…

If you think that women hate you, then you might be surprised by what you learn in the video above.

Especially the part where I disclose the fact that you can CREATE feelings of attraction inside of a woman.

Yes, even you can do that.

When you create feelings of attraction inside of a woman, she will NOT hate you.

She will like you, be interested in you and be open to kissing you, dating you, having sex with you and even starting a relationship.

4. You think it is wrong or “too forward” to make a woman feel sexually attracted and turned on by you during an interaction

Why Do Women Hate Me? 5 Possible Reasons Why (7)

Women hate it when a guy shuts down the sexual side of himself around her because he thinks it is wrong, disrespectful or too forward to make a woman feel sexually attracted.

In fact, women actually refer to guys like that as “creepy” because women know that the guy masturbat*s at home, feels attracted to women and wants to have a sexual relationship with a woman, but he acts like he would never ever think about sex when talking to a woman.

By shutting that side of himself down, he gives off an awkward, creepy vibe that women hate.

Women can’t relax and trust a guy like that because he is already lying to himself and everyone else by acting like he has no sexual feelings.

Here’s the thing…

We are living in a time where pre-marital sex is accepted and is happening all around us.

Why Do Women Hate Me? 5 Possible Reasons Why (8)

Some guys get angry about that and complain that modern women are slu*tty, but those guys are simply clinging to a bygone era where a woman would save her virginity for marriage.

Back in the late 1800s and early 1900s for example, a guy would simply approach a woman, be nice to her, show her that he was capable of supporting her (e.g. he’d buy her a gift) and if she liked him, they would date (no touching, kissing or sex) and he’d eventually ask her father for his daughter’s hand in marriage.

Although some men wish that life still worked that way, it doesn’t.

Culture always changes overtime and the “save herself for marriage” trend was something that came and went, just like the Japanese samurais, the top hat wearing English gentleman and the people who used to hate computers and swore never to use one.

Culture always changes.

In today’s world, women are free to have sex with whomever they want.

Why Do Women Hate Me? 5 Possible Reasons Why (9)

This doesn’t mean that modern women are slu*tty, but that they simply have the freedom to “shop around” until they find the right guy for them.

Some women settle down early (e.g. my wife was 20 when I met her and I was 35. I’m now 38, she’s 23 and we are going to start a family soon), but if a girl doesn’t meet the right guy, she is free to keep dating and shopping around until she finds a guy who is worth settling down with.

In the past, a woman had to get married and stick with a man for life even if she was unhappy because it was shameful to get divorced.

This was unfair on women, but now that we live in a more civilized society where women can make their own money and support themselves, the rules of the dating game have changed.

In today’s world, women usually choose a guy choose a guy based on how much sexual attraction he makes her feel and then, if he ALSO happens to be a good guy who will treat her well, she sees him as a catch and settles down with him.

However, if a woman is being pursued by a guy who doesn’t make her feel attracted, she doesn’t need to accept him so she can have someone to support her.

Likewise, if a woman gets into a relationship with a good guy who attracted her initially, but he later turns into an asshole who doesn’t treat her well, she also doesn’t have to stick with him.

So, if you want women to like you and want to be with you, it is absolutely essential that you actively trigger her feelings of sexual attraction when you interact with her.

Why Do Women Hate Me? 5 Possible Reasons Why (10)

Don’t pretend that you don’t find her attractive or that only want to be a nice, innocent friend to her. Be honest and say, “You’re sexy…I like you” AFTER you have first triggered her feelings of attraction for you.

If you are a good guy and you give a woman that kind of attraction and courtship experience, she will be excited to have finally met a guy who understands how the modern dating scene works.

It’s actually very rare for a woman to meet a good guy who understands what women really want these days.

Based on all my experience helping guys and hearing from women out there, I’d say up to 80% of guys are attempting to attract and pursue women in the wrong way that simply doesn’t match up to how the modern world works.

So, when you are one of the rare guys who knows how to attract women AND give them the modern courtship experience that they are looking for, they will love you for it.

5. You’re not aware that you can make women feel attracted to you whenever you want

Why Do Women Hate Me? 5 Possible Reasons Why (11)

You might have gotten to the point where you feel like life is unfair and you are being punished in this lifetime for being such a nice, loving, good man, but that isn’t what is really happening to you.

If you had the skill of being able to actively trigger a woman’s feelings of sexual attraction during an interaction, women would want to be with you and you wouldn’t have gotten to this point where you think that women hate you and life sucks.

Watch this video to understand some of excuses that guys have (including the two excuses I used to have) for their lack of success with women when they don’t know how to attract women…

As you will discover from the video above, all types of guys (even those who others think are ugly) can attract beautiful women and enjoy a successful dating and relationship life.

You might be a good looking guy, an average or below-average looking guy (like me) or you might even consider yourself to be a bit ugly.

Whatever the case is for you, it’s a fact of nature that you can attract women at will by displaying some of the personality traits, behaviors and inner qualities that women find naturally attractive about men.

It’s not possible to attract and pick up all women, but it is possible to attract most of the women that you meet.

All you need to do is get used to displaying attractive traits and the majority of women that you interact with from now on will feel some level of attraction for you, or a high level of attraction for you.

The better you get at displaying the traits to trigger feelings of sexual attraction inside of women, the more women that you will be able to attract.

Want to Know the SECRET to Success With Women?

Watch this hidden video where Dan exposes his BIGGEST secret to success with women, which allows you to easily get laid or get a girlfriend.

This video is only available here and you can watch it for free right now.

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Why Do Women Hate Me? 5 Possible Reasons Why (12)

You are about to discover my personal secret for success with women. This FREE video will BLOW YOUR MIND (I promise!)

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Why Do Women Hate Me? 5 Possible Reasons Why (2024)


What should I do if a girl hates me? ›

  1. 1 Figure Out Why She Wishes You'd Vanish.
  2. 2 Think about your past behavior. Think about your past behavior. ...
  3. 3 Observe her behavior. Observe her behavior when she's around you. ...
  4. 4 Ask a trusted friend. ...
  5. 5 Take a Deep Breath, Then Say Something.
  6. 6 Approach. ...
  7. 7 Think of something. ...
  8. 8 Get her to talk about herself.

How do you know a girl hates you? ›

Signs That Your Girlfriend Dislikes You
  • Her Body Language Seems Off. ...
  • You Notice You're Spending Less Time Together. ...
  • Your Communication Feels Strained. ...
  • There Is Less Physical Intimacy. ...
  • You're Always Fighting. ...
  • Do Some Self-Reflection. ...
  • Speak to Your Girlfriend About the Changes You've Noticed. ...
  • Attend Counseling Together.
May 25, 2022

How do you deal with someone who hates you? ›

If you take these 12 tips to heart, you'll be able to successfully deal with a person you disdain.
  1. Let It Go. ...
  2. Focus On Healthy Ways To Communicate. ...
  3. Practice Civility. ...
  4. Sidestep When Possible. ...
  5. Fake It Till You Make It. ...
  6. Be Mindful Of Your Emotions. ...
  7. Put A Positive Spin On It. ...
  8. Find Common Ground.
Oct 2, 2017

What does it mean when someone hates you for no reason? ›

Usually, when someone hates us without cause it can be for the following reasons: You have a quality in you that they have disowned in themselves. They are jealous of your accomplishments, appearance, or kindness.

How do you tell if you are disliked? ›

7 Signs Someone Secretly Hates You
  1. Their Body Language is Not Open. ...
  2. They Avoid Eye Contact with You. ...
  3. Intense Eye Contact, (Not the Good Kind) ...
  4. They Are 'Fake' Conversing with You. ...
  5. They Don't Mimic. ...
  6. They Are to the Point, and Don't Tend to Talk Further. ...
  7. They Don't Get in Touch, or Stay in Touch.
Aug 14, 2020

How do you know if a girl is pretending to love you? ›

How do you know if a girl pretends to love you?
  • 1) She acts moody and distant. ...
  • 2) You're always chasing after her. ...
  • 3) She always has excuses for why she needs to cancel plans with you. ...
  • 5) She never compliments you. ...
  • 6) She only says 'I love you' if you say it first. ...
  • 7) She doesn't want to spend quality time with you.
May 4, 2022

Why do people hate me so much? ›

People can hate others for many reasons, jealousy is the usual cause of most hate from individuals and or groups in most cases. Others just crave the attention from others, and because they are unhappy with something in there own life and putting others down somehow makes them feel better which is never ok.

How do you respond to someone who doesn't like you? ›

Here are some tips.
  1. Accept that you can't get on with everyone. ...
  2. Try and put a positive spin on what they are saying. ...
  3. Be aware of your own emotions. ...
  4. Don't take it personally and get some space. ...
  5. Express your feelings calmly and consider using a referee. ...
  6. Pick your battles. ...
  7. Don't be defensive.
Oct 12, 2020

What is the quickest way to tell if a person secretly dislikes you? ›

  • They distance themselves from you. ...
  • Their arms are always crossed around you. ...
  • There is a lack of eye contact. ...
  • Everything seems forced. ...
  • Their feet are pointed away from you. ...
  • Likewise, their torsos are pointed away from you. ...
  • Surprisingly, too much eye contact can mean they dislike you, too.
Jun 27, 2018

How do you tell if everyone secretly hates you? ›

7 Signs Someone Secretly Hates You - YouTube

How do you tell if a friend secretly hates you? ›

10 Signs Your “Friends” Secretly Hate You
  1. They don't seem to care when you talk. ...
  2. None of you can agree on anything. ...
  3. They avoid being seen with you in public. ...
  4. They regularly backstab you. ...
  5. Anything you do irritates them. ...
  6. They attempt to get you into trouble. ...
  7. They are no longer honest with you.
Sep 17, 2021

How do you tell if a woman is using you? ›

15 Clear Signs She Is Using You
  1. You pay all her bills. ...
  2. She comes to you only when she needs help. ...
  3. The relationship feels one-sided. ...
  4. She manipulates you. ...
  5. She does everything on her terms. ...
  6. Your friends have not warmed up to her. ...
  7. She demands expensive stuff. ...
  8. She avoids introducing you to her friends and family.
Apr 20, 2022

When should you stop chasing a girl? ›

11 Signs That Tell You It's Time To Stop Pursuing The Girl You Like
  1. She Is Not Your Type. ...
  2. You Are A Stop-Gap Replacement Or A Rebound For Her. ...
  3. You Are Just Her Muse. ...
  4. She Is Too Nice To Say No To You. ...
  5. She Is Always Caught Up In Her Life. ...
  6. She Has A Lot Of Hang-Ups And Baggage.
Mar 6, 2017

How do you tell if a girl doesn't want a relationship? ›

To make sure you know where you stand, here are 15 signs to look for that show she doesn't want a relationship with you.
  1. Lack of Physically Affection. ...
  2. There Is No Talk of the Future. ...
  3. She Isn't Invested in Your Life. ...
  4. She Is Closed Off. ...
  5. She Talks About Other Guys. ...
  6. You Are the One Doing All the Chasing. ...
  7. She Is Flakey.

How do I get her to give me attention? ›

10 Simple Ways To Make Women Fall For You
  1. Make Your First Impression Count. Be confident. ...
  2. Be A Challenge. ...
  3. Ask The Right Questions. ...
  4. Don't Linger. ...
  5. Pay Attention To Small Details. ...
  6. Know Where To Draw The Line. ...
  7. Get To Know Her Better. ...
  8. Know The Difference Between 'co*cky' And 'Funny'
Aug 16, 2021

What are the sweetest words to tell a girl? ›

Cute Things to Say to Your Girlfriend
  • I can't stop thinking about you.
  • You'll always be my girl.
  • Since the day I met you, my life has never been the same.
  • I love making you laugh.
  • I love you more than pepperoni pizza.
  • You're my dream girl.
  • You ground me.
Jun 14, 2021

How do you melt a woman's heart? ›

Top 10 Ways To Melt Her Heart
  1. 1) Create Something For Her. ...
  2. 2) Be Kind To Someone She Loves. ...
  3. 3) Text Her Something Nice Out Of The Blue. ...
  4. 4) Cook Something Special For Her. ...
  5. 5) Stick Up For Her Publicly. ...
  6. 6) Show Her Your Sensitive, Vulnerable Side. ...
  7. 7) Touch Her. ...
  8. 8) Pamper Her For An Evening.
Feb 26, 2017

How do I stay in his mind? ›

Be a good listener. Wait to hear all he has to say and don't interrupt. Use the opportunity to talk as an opportunity for him to tell you more about himself, not as one for your own stories. For yourself, don't reveal too much too soon, as a sense of mystery will definitely leave you on his mind, wanting to know more.

What makes a girl fall for a guy? ›

By being positive, kind, funny, thoughtful, and well-mannered, you can show her that you are a great guy who would make an excellent boyfriend. If you feel like your personality is lacking in some way, focus on improving yourself.

What are the signs of a manipulative woman? ›

Here are 8 signs that can tell you if your wife is manipulative.
  • She has a didactic personality. ...
  • She turns every argument into your fault. ...
  • She uses emotional blackmail as a weapon. ...
  • She uses your weaknesses against you. ...
  • She is the decision-maker. ...
  • She victimises herself every time. ...
  • She keeps on blaming you for everything.
Sep 28, 2021

How do you impress a girl when she is not interested in you? ›

How to Get an Uninterested Girl to Fall for You
  1. 1 Give off confident body language.
  2. 2 Act enthusiastic and appreciative.
  3. 3 Ask questions during the conversation.
  4. 4 Make open-ended statements.
  5. 5 Highlight what you have in common.
  6. 6 Request a favor from her.
  7. 7 Pass by and greet her each day.
  8. 8 Stick to basic greetings.

How can I impress a girl? ›

10 Ways to Impress a Woman
  1. Compliment her positivity. Telling a woman she gives off a “happy” vibe will make her feel good.
  2. Ask for advice. ...
  3. Compliment the way she looks. ...
  4. Open doors. ...
  5. Ask her questions. ...
  6. Ignore your phone. ...
  7. Socialize with her friends. ...
  8. Help her with her coat. ...
Oct 24, 2015

How can I impress a girl in school? ›

Open the door for her, walk her to class, and be courteous. While grand gestures are good, consistently treating her well will impress her. Don't be a "player". Flirting with a lot of girls is disrespectful to the girl that you want to impress.

Why is nobody attracted to me? ›

If you've never been attracted to someone before, it could be due to your sexuality. This lack of attraction to anyone is asexuality. This is not a mental disorder, and there is nothing wrong with people who are asexual. It is just a sexual preference.

What type of attitude does a girl like? ›

Your sex appeal lies as much in your looks as it does in your attitude - women dig guys with a cool and peaceful attitude, the one who is able to calm them down and reassure them that all is well.

How can I read a girl's mind? ›

Sometimes a woman or a girl can be challenging. Sometimes her joke, teasing or laughing may test your sense of humor or ability to listen and understand. If you would like to understand a woman's mind, you may tell her the truth about how you are feeling about her behavior.

How can I impress a silent girl? ›

Take your time. Patience is key when flirting with a shy girl. Stay in her comfort zone by being friendly, asking her questions about herself and sharing details about yourself, and showing just enough interest in her that she doesn't shy away from you.

What gets a woman's attention? ›

If there's someone you're eyeing, ask her a question about her drink if it's unique looking or compliment her outfit, eyes or smile. If she engages, remember to make eye contact, smile, and say her name throughout the conversation.

How can I impress a girl by her eyes? ›

Once you've gotten the hang of it, try direct eye contact. Then, when you see a girl you're interested in talking to, glance casually in her direction a couple of times to see if you catch her looking back. If she looks your way, smile gently, and hold the eye contact until she looks away.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.