Is Lane Splitting Legal in Indiana? (2024)

Is Lane Splitting Legal in Indiana?

Lane splitting in Indiana is illegal. Under Ind. Code § 9-21-10-6, “a vehicle may not be driven or operated in a manner that deprives another vehicle of the full use of a traffic lane.” Lane splitting encroaches on the space of other drivers and denies not one, but two drivers, the ability to make full use of their lanes. It can be highly dangerous and lead to seriousmotorcycle accidents.

Lane splitting occurs when a motorcycle doesn’t stay confined to a lane but drives between other vehicles in order to move through traffic more efficiently. Lane splitting is also referred to as white-lining and stripe-riding since the motorcyclist is effectively riding along the line which divides the lanes. Lane splitting can also occur when a motor vehicle driver tries to share a lane with a motorcyclist.

What is Lane Splitting?

Lane splitting occurs when motorcycles ride between vehicles, or when a motor vehicle driver tries to “squeeze” into a lane next to a motorcycle. While motorcycles take up less space and tend to be more agile than standard vehicles, lane splitting is risky, and it puts everyone involved at a higher risk of colliding. So, if lane splitting is dangerous, why do people do it? Here are a few reasons:

  • Efficiency –The ability to move through traffic with added ease is seen as a perk by many motorcyclists and car drivers.
  • Recklessness – Some people fully know that lane splitting is dangerous. Still, they do it anyway because they are in a rush, perhaps.
  • Road rage –If a motorcyclist or vehicle driver has an altercation with another driver, they may attempt to catch up with the other driver by weaving through traffic or otherwise trying to share a lane. This puts everyone in danger of serious injury in an accident.
  • Lack of knowledge –Lane splitting laws vary by state and can be confusing. For example, lane splitting is legal in California and Hawaii. In many other states, bills to legalize lane splitting are pending. For this reason, many motorcyclists and car drivers may not realize that they are breaking the law when they split lanes.
  • Inattention – Not paying suitable attention to road conditions may also be a reason that drivers split lanes. Car drivers, for instance, maybe too busy texting or talking on the phone while driving in order to notice that they have moved into the same lane as a motorcyclist.

Is Lane Splitting Dangerous?

Lane splitting poses a threat – especially to motorcyclists. The sheer size and weight of average cars compared to motorcycles pose a serious threat as well. When accidents occur, motorcyclists are vulnerable to much more serious injuries because they have few protections other than a helmet. The larger the vehicle involved in a lane-splitting accident, the more serious the injury is likely to be. Additionally, because motorcycles don’t have restraints such as a seat belt, riders and passengers are often thrown off of the vehicle at the time of an accident.

Due to the nature of motorcycle collisions, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are a serious threat to riders and passengers. Even when motorcyclists are wearing helmets, they can still suffer a TBI. The impact of a collision often results in devastating injuries that can have a lasting impact.

How Can Lane Splitting Lead to a Personal Injury Claim?

Indiana Code § 9-21-10-6 states that all drivers should have full use of their lane of traffic. This law prohibits motorcyclists and vehicle drivers from lane splitting because this act prevents others from moving freely in their own lanes. When motorcyclists and vehicle drivers break the law by engaging in the practice of lane splitting, they open themselves up to both criminal and civil legal action.

A civil suit could be brought against a motorcyclist or vehicle driver for their negligent actions if it causes injury to the other people involved. While civil lawsuits typically require the plaintiff to prove that the other party was negligent in his or her actions, those who claim negligence per se allege that the actions were negligent in and of themselves. Since lane splitting is illegal, the plaintiff need not prove negligence beyond showing that the illegal act occurred. The plaintiff would then need to establish that the violation of the law caused his or her injuries.

How Can an Attorney Help You After a lane-splitting Accident?

An important facet of a personal injury lawyer’s job is investigating the incident. So, in the aftermath of a lane-splitting accident, your lawyer at Truitt Law Offices will focus on determining who was at fault for your accident and, in turn, whose insurance will cover the cost of your damages. An injury lawyer at Truitt Law Offices will examine evidence such as:

  • Physical evidence – This evidence can include photos of the scene, tire marks, and damage to property and vehicles.
  • Witness follow-up –Any witnesses to the collision will be contacted for a statement about what they saw in order to provide further insight.
  • Studying documentation – All collisions are accompanied by a paper trail or digital footprint which often includes the police report, insurance documentation, and medical reports

By closely studying the facts of your case, your injury lawyer from Truitt Law Offices will be able to gain an important perspective on what has occurred and can build the strongest possible case moving forward. Your lawyer will also protect you from the strategies that insurance companies often employ to try to avoid making payments or to pay as little as possible.

Insurance companies want to avoid paying the maximum amount that they owe to injury victims, which is why they often try to shift blame onto the victims. Due to the comparative negligence law in Indiana, victims can still collect damages even if they are partially at fault for the accident. However, the victim must not be 51 percent or more at fault for the damages, or else the victim will be responsible for damages.

When insurance companies offer settlements, they are hopeful that the injured parties will accept the initial offer – even if it is nowhere near the amount which the victim is owed. For this reason, you should always contact Truitt Law Offices before you accept a settlement offer. If necessary, an injury lawyer at Truitt Law Offices will take your case to trial in order to fight for a fair outcome.

Get Help from Our Indiana Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Today

If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident in Indiana, you should do everything that you can to protect yourself. Speaking with a lawyer is a crucial way to protect your rights. In addition to free initial consultations, the experienced motorcycle injury lawyers atTruitt Law Officeswork on a contingency basis. This means that we accept payment only if we win your case.

Our attorneys are prepared to help motorcycle victims throughout Indiana. For more than 40 years, we have provided quality legal representation to people just like you, and we are ready to help you if you have been hurt in a serious motorcycle crash. Contact us to schedule a free consultation today through our offices in Fort Wayne, Huntington, and Indianapolis.

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from Truitt Law Offices

Is Lane Splitting Legal in Indiana? (2024)


Is Lane Splitting Legal in Indiana? ›

Safety Tip: Motorcycle Lane-Splitting, White-Lining, and Filtering Forward is Illegal in Indiana.

Is lane splitting allowed in Indiana? ›

Lane splitting, which is also known as “white-lining” or “filtering forward,” is highly dangerous and illegal in the State of Indiana. In fact, it is illegal in almost every state. Indiana legal code states that all drivers should have full use of their lane of traffic.

What states have lane splitting? ›

A: California is indeed the only state where motorcycle lane-splitting is legal, basically without restrictions (Utah and Montana have laws allowing this driving behavior under certain, highly restricted conditions and they call it “lane filtering”).

Where is lane splitting illegal in the US? ›

Several other U.S. states are considering adopting legislation to making lane splitting legal. These states are Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Oregon, and Texas. Lane splitting is illegal in every other U.S. state. Lane splitting is illegal in Utah, but lane filtering is legal.

Is lane splitting legal in Fort Wayne Indiana? ›

Lane-Splitting is Illegal in Indiana

Lane splitting is also referred to as white-lining and stripe-riding since the motorcyclist is effectively riding along the line which divides the lanes. Lane splitting can also occur when a motor vehicle driver tries to share a lane with a motorcyclist.

What are the motorcycle laws in Indiana? ›

Motorcycle riders are generally permitted full use of traffic lanes, and other drivers are prohibited from driving in a manner that deprives the biker use of a lane. Motorcycle riders are permitted to ride side-by-side with another motorcycle in a single lane, so long as both riders consent to doing so.

Can motorcycles filter through traffic? ›

Contrary to popular belief, filtering through stationary or slow-moving traffic is not illegal. In fact, one of the many attractions of riding a motorcycle is the ability to get through traffic quickly and safely by filtering, which is a fundamental skill learned by most motorcyclists.

Can you lane split in Kentucky? ›

Kentucky, like the other remaining states, does not mention lane splitting in any traffic laws. In other words, it is neither explicitly legal nor illegal.

Is it illegal for motorcycles to drive between cars? ›

The intent of filtering is to allow motorcyclists to make progress through slow-moving or stationary traffic. It is legal to filter through traffic as long as it is done safely.

How fast can you lane split in California? ›

California's guidelines say bikers should only split lanes when the flow of traffic is 40 mph or less, and not travel more than 10 mph faster than the vehicles surrounding them. It's also always up to an officer's discretion as to whether the motorcyclist's actions are deemed unsafe.

Why lane splitting is safer? ›

“Lane-splitting riders were significantly less likely to be rear-ended than other non-lane-splitting riders.” Because a rear-end accident could seriously injure or kill a motorcyclist, lane splitting may be a safer practice for motorcyclists stuck in traffic.

What is it called when motorcycles drive between cars? ›

Lane splitting occurs when a motorcyclist passes one or more vehicles in the area between two lanes, often the area of the road where the road line is painted. It is also known as white lining to seasoned motorcyclists. Typically, motorcyclists will use lane splitting to avoid stopping in heavy traffic.

Why does California allow lane splitting? ›

A: California is indeed the only state where motorcycle lane-splitting is legal. Why? California recognizes lane-splitting as a tool to decrease traffic congestion, and the volume of freeway traffic here is higher than in most other states.

Is it legal to drive on the shoulder in Indiana? ›

Except in the event of an emergency or a disabled vehicle, do not stop or park a vehicle on the shoulder of an interstate highway.

Are turn signals required on motorcycles in Indiana? ›

All motorcycles manufactured after January 1, 1956, must be equipped with rear view mirrors, a speedometer, and turn signals.

Is lane splitting legal in Ohio? ›

Lane Splitting is Illegal

Ohio law prohibits lane splitting. Lane splitting refers to when motorcycles ride in the middle lane, between stalled or slow moving traffic. Ohio views lane splitting as an unsafe and unacceptable practice. A few states, such as California, allow lane splitting.

What happens if you get pulled over without a motorcycle license in Indiana? ›

Indiana requires all motorcyclists to have a valid motorcycle learner's permit or motorcycle endorsem*nt. If caught riding without the proper licensure, you can be fined up to $500.00.

Can you ride a motorcycle without a permit in Indiana? ›

In order to operate a motorcycle in the state of Indiana you must: Meet the state's minimum age requirement. Obtain an Indiana motorcycle license endorsem*nt (in some instances you may need to obtain a learner's permit) Register your motorcycle with the state of Indiana.

Can you ride at night with a motorcycle permit in Indiana? ›

Riding with a Motorcycle Learner's Permit

You must wear a United States Department of Transportation-approved helmet when you ride, you may only ride during the period from half an hour before sunrise and half an hour after sunset, and you may not carry passengers. How long is my motorcycle learner's permit valid?

Can motorcycles overtake on the inside? ›

You can pass slower moving vehicles on the left, or on the 'inside' when: you are riding on a one-way street where vehicles can pass either side. This does not include a dual carriageway.

Can a motorcycle overtake stationary traffic? ›

Is it legal to filter or overtake slow moving/stationary traffic? In a nutshell, yes. Filtering is a legal manoeuvre that can be made on a motorcycle but the key point is only if it is safe to do so.

Which lane must not be used by a motorcyclist? ›

Motorbikes must not use the hard shoulder unless it's designated a lane on a smart motorway. Motorbikes can lane split or filter through very slow or stationary traffic.

Can you lane split in Mississippi? ›

Despite the safety of lane splitting, it remains illegal or unlawful in every state but California. Here in Mississippi, lane splitting is not legal, but it has also not been labeled as strictly illegal in all contexts.

Is filtering on a bicycle legal? ›

Filtering, as an act, is legal and if you do it safely the police should not stop you. Filtering in an unsafe manner is illegal, however that very much depends on the speed of the traffic you are filtering past and the speed at which you pass them. Filtering is also illegal in a no overtaking zone.

Can you lane split in Tennessee? ›

Despite research suggesting that lane splitting can improve traffic congestion and that splitting lanes may actually be safer for motorcycle riders than sitting between vehicles in stop-and-go traffic, the practice of lane splitting remains illegal under Tennessee law.

What is the most common motorcycle accident? ›

The most common motorcycle accident happens when a car makes a left-hand turn in front of you. This is the single most dangerous situation for motorcyclists, accounting for 42% of all accidents involving a motorcycle and car.

Who is at fault lane splitting? ›

In California, more than one person can be at fault. Fault is simply split between everyone who shares some of the blame for the crash. The more you contribute to an accident, the more liability you share. Sharing fault doesn't necessarily mean you can't recover compensation.

Why do motorcycles weave through traffic? ›

Motorcycle riders say they lane split for two big reasons: speed and safety. Lane splitting allows motorcycles to weave through traffic much more quickly than cars can, and bikers argue it also improves traffic for all commuters.

Is it legal to drive on the shoulder in Indiana? ›

Except in the event of an emergency or a disabled vehicle, do not stop or park a vehicle on the shoulder of an interstate highway.

Is it illegal for motorcycles to drive between cars? ›

The intent of filtering is to allow motorcyclists to make progress through slow-moving or stationary traffic. It is legal to filter through traffic as long as it is done safely.

Can you lane split in Kentucky? ›

Kentucky, like the other remaining states, does not mention lane splitting in any traffic laws. In other words, it is neither explicitly legal nor illegal.

Is lane splitting legal? ›

It's completely legal for a motorcycle to pass another vehicle travelling in the same lane and the same direction.

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