the exporting process is so slow (2024)

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How to fix slow exporting in Filmora?

The exporting speed depends on not only the size, length, and complexity of the project, but also the output settings. Meanwhile, it will be affected by the performance of your computer as well. There are things you can do to export more quickly.

1. Faster Hardware

In general, working with faster computers also means that your exporting will be faster. If available, be sure that your GPU is enabled in Filmora when exporting. You can click File>Preferences>Performance, then check the GPU acceleration there.

the exporting process is so slow (1)

2. Optimized Media

It is suggested to cut down the unnecessary effects when editing the project. And when exporting, keep the Resolution, Frame Rate, and Bitrate the same as those in your original video to shorten the encoding process for scaling.

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the exporting process is so slow (2024)


Why is Shotcut export so slow? ›

If you have a laptop, then you need to make sure that its power profile is set to “performance” and not “battery saving”, this greatly affects the speed of the shorcut. Did everything with old projects, old videos and still the exactly same speed, I didn't updated Shotcut, on the old and new version is the same thing.

Why does AE take so long to export? ›

Intensive editing projects with large file sizes, 3D animation, and SFX will take more time to render. Depending on your computer's capabilities and settings, rendering could take longer than the editing process.

Why is Filmora exporting so slow? ›

The exporting speed depends on not only the size, length, and complexity of the project, but also the output settings. Meanwhile, it will be affected by the performance of your computer as well. There are things you can do to export more quickly.

Why does it take so long to export a video? ›

It's like processing two videos (tracks) instead of just one. Export time will take longer than the original video partly because it's twice as much video being processed. Even though the logo is tiny, the alpha channel for the entire frame still has to be processed to mark the non-logo area as see-through.

How long does it take to export a video? ›

Generally, exporting a video can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. If you are exporting a high-resolution video, it may take longer than exporting a lower resolution video.

How do I make my Shotcut run faster? ›

Here are ways to reduce the memory usage in general: Save and restart Shotcut Close other browser tabs. Close other applications. Reboot (does all of the above). Here are ways to reduce the memory usage of your project: Reduce the resolution of the Video Mode.

How can I make my media encoder faster? ›

a) Click “Media Encoder” on the tab on the top and select “Preferences”. b) On the pop-up window, select “General” from the tab on the left and then select a renderer from “Video Rendering” at the bottom. The higher a renderer is positioned in a selection list, the faster it renders your project.

How long does export control take? ›

It is important to note that obtaining an export license from the Commerce Department usually takes 30 days; a license from the State Department can take several months; and a license from the Treasury Department can take 3-6 months.

Why is my Photo import taking so long? ›

If your phone's storage is nearly full, it can impede the import process and lead to a hang-up. Poor Internect connection: When the Internect connection is unstable, your device can also get stuck on Preparing to Import.

Why are my photos uploading so slow? ›

The amount of backed up data is too large. The network connection is incorrect or unstable. The Google Photos app on your device is not updated to the latest version. Long-term cache and data accumulate in the background.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

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Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.